Well well,this is with reference to my previous article: dudizm vs Normalizm,which i m afraid invited much wrath nd genrted much backlash, with people adulating me (;) )with comments like-I can never be a dude , I am a pessimist..etc...though some were followed by adulations as well.To make my stnd very clear, the entire purpose of that was defeated.. it was not to arouse fury or pin-point smone.I ahve nthnd agnst the Dudes...it is just I was insinuating towrds some pseudo-dudes, who just try to imitate the dudes and end up being jerks...
I personlly adulate some people which I really consider dudes, real stuff.....not the ones affected by the pseudo-dudo syndrome..as i mentioned earlier..Being a dude is not having a weird coiffure,painting ur hair pink and yellow..its abt the way u take things...... Being a strong optimist, being one of them..... DUDEs are dashing,unruly,dare to bare attitu---d--e ..... they are not jerks !! they outperform when and only it is reqd and possess the chillest of attitude...no doubt they get the best!! just some dudes say" livin la vida loca--live life dangerously......So people..who really crtiqued me on my article...pls get ur fundae right.....dud-izm is all abt doing the right things the right time and nt being rudis...or....barbarians.....hail the dudes!!